
5 tips for self motivation

Don't stop. Keep moving!

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

5 Tips to Keep Yourself Motivated

1. Start the Day Like a Champion. 

Wake up early!

The most successful people around the world do this for one simple reason: the earlier you wake, the more you get done during the day. 

During sleep, your brain charges itself with energy. After a good night sleep, your brain begins to operate with a high mental power. At this stage, you can begin to reflect on what you have to accomplish during the day and review your eternal goals.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives our bodies nutrition necessary for good mood and fullness throughout the day. Your breakfast will increase your concentration that is necessary to keep you on track to your desired ambitions. 

It is also important for you to know which foods you should avoid and which ones are essential for growth and good health. 

With both of these concepts applied to your life, you will be able to start the day with a clear vision of where you want to be in the future and what you want to accomplish. 

2. Watch Motivational Videos.  

The beauty of watching something that motivates you to take action is that it exercises your will power and sparks up your endorphin. You can usually compare a motivational video to your current lifestyle and decide whether or not you are living towards a greater purpose or you are just some drone trying to dwell in scarcity like the average person in society. Keep yourself pumped and recharged through such videos and it will lead to high levels of aggression and determination.     

Motivational videos can vary from a person talking to a camera to a compilation of super amazing clips with overlapping narration. Here is one of the best ones that we've found online.

3. Surround Yourself Around Encouraging People.  

They key here is to get rid of toxic, negative, and discouraging people. These are the ones that repeatedly state "that's not going to work", "it's too risky", "it's a dumb idea", and "we shouldn't do this". This type of crowd will generally keep you away from achieving your greatest desires and ambitions mainly because they can't see or envision the bigger picture or they are just too deeply programmed into being the average drone of society. 

Instead, you want to surround yourself around passion seekers and achievers. They are the ones that are positive, encouraging and humble about their achievements and are constantly keeping themselves motivated for future success. The benefit here is that they will help to keep you on track and encourage your creative ideas. Don't take this for granted. You should always help them in return and give back the same pleasures.  

4. Read Success Stories and Self-Help Books.

Reading such areas of interest will help you to improve economically, intellectually or emotionally. Generally the books are there to help you solve problems and struggles that you are facing. Instead of staggering, you will be able to bypass any negative situations and continue on your journey. These books can also give you an idea of how you can reach the success you desire and develop the ability to ignore any negative encounters.  

A really good author that creates self-help books based on success stories is Robert Greene. We highly suggest that you spend some time reading any of his books. They are highly motivational and aspiring. Robert Greene tends to write about the reality of the world and how you can adjust your creativity towards it.  

5. Challenge Yourself.

At times, we detach ourselves from certain tasks due to lack of confidence or focus. Understand that the human mind does not want to engage in more work than it has to and you must constantly challenge it to complete the desired work. Develop the mentality that every obstacle should be a challenge. Realize that at times you must behave like a medieval soldier trapped by a dragon and your only way past it is to slay it. Take every task as a journey to search for gold. You must put full time and effort towards traveling towards buried treasure. It takes a while to adjust to this mentality but once you have it, nothing will slow you down or make you stagnant.